Thatchers v Aldi – Court of Appeal decision
In a recent Court of Appeal decision it has been found that Aldi have infringed Thatcher’s cloudy lemon cider…
A recent announcement by the Trade Mark Office at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce stated that Qatar will now recognise classes 43, 44 and 45 of the Nice Classification. Thus, the Qatari Trade Mark Office will be accepting trade mark applications for services listed under the newly adopted classes from 12th February 2017.
The adoption of these additional classes of services will afford protection for marks for services in relation to food and drink, medical and veterinary services, health and beauty care, and legal, security, personal and social services.
As Qatar followed the seventh edition of the Nice Classification, which incorporates all of the services in classes 43 to 45 within class 42, it is important that registrants of marks and their trade mark counsel conduct clearance searches for these services in both the newly adopted classes and also in class 42.
If you would like any further information about the Qatari Trade Mark Office accepting applications in the newly adopted classes of services or you would like advice on seeking trade mark protection in Qatar, please do not hesitate to contact us.